Since its debut in 2017, Damian Lazarus’ annual ‘SPIRITS’ series on Crosstown Rebels has been a beacon for breakthrough artists, setting the label’s agenda for the year ahead. The sixth installment in February is another meticulously curated lineup with ‘SPIRITS VI’ featuring a blend of new and recognizable talents, including Lauren Lane, Cristina Lazic, Iñigo Vontier, AJ Christou, and many more. 29,00 €BUY Various Artists SPIRITS VI Crosstown Rebels 13-02-2024 Format: Vinyl 29,00 € A1 Cameron Jack - The VisionA2 Chris Bowl - Silent PlainB1 Lauren Lane - Fair GameB2 Marc Lenz - People Are PeopleC1 Cristina Lazic & Leia Contois - So DeepC2 In~igo Vontier - That Trippy SoundD1 AJ Christou - Back & Forth