Keope might be a duo consisting of Marcus Rossknecht and Toni Bruna, but they actually sound like a collective of rather nomadic - and heavily gifted - musicians on their ever-present quest to reach different musical spheres. Everything is in motion, everything is in constant flux. Everything, everywhere, all at once. The double LP "Flikka Flokka" is their third appearance on Frank Wiedemann's Bigamo imprint. 29,00 €BUYDownload Keope FLIKKA FLOKKA Bigamo 27-09-2023 Format: Vinyl 29,00 € Download A1 CaioA2 El SabataA3 On TimeB1 KumareB2 OsemB3 Perdidos En El ValleC1 Ritmos PerdidosC2 PedociC3 PiereD1 CarlitosD2 Tier MaschineD3 From A Window